So many folks have asked for my homemade dog food recipe and I have promised many I would add it. Well, it's simple until it's not. First of all, it's best if your diet is well beyond what our government deems adequate. Fresh, wholesome meals filled with organic fruits and vegetables, whole ancient grains, lean meats, and lots of love!
Your pups are as fussy as you are ... if you wouldn't eat it save it for the compost pile! Over the years we have had two Irish Wolfhounds (the reason we started making our own food), a German Shepherd, a darling, sweet Airedale and a long list of rescues, strays, and giveaways. To date, those mentioned lived well beyond the expected years. OK, OK ... here you go ... Start saving your fruit and vegetable scraps in your freezer (we use a square tub that fits well in the corner of our freezer drawer). If you're not sure about giving your pup a particular food, don't do it. We often find ourselves saying, "Alexa, is pumpkin safe for dogs?" She promptly said, "Yes!" Here are some ingredients OK for dogs: Vegetables: carrots, celery, asparagus, broccoli, green beans, spinach, kale, sweet potatoes, pumpkin. Say NO to onions, garlic, mushrooms, chives, and corn on the cob, in fact, avoid corn all together! Fruit: blueberries, watermelon, bananas, cantaloupe, avocados, pumpkin, berries, mango cucumbers, apples, pears, cranberries. Just like us, limit sweets! Meats: chicken thighs (breast is OK, too, but thighs taste better!), wild caught fish, ground beef/pork/turkey, organ meats. Grains: Grains are not required, but we do feed our babies quinoa. We also give our pups store bought dry food. The crunch is good for their teeth and makes dinner more interesting. Our preferred brand is Sam's Club Jinx food. Having one baby left, our sweet Luna, who is a Jackador, we make food about once a week. Each batch is put into small baggies - two for the frig and the rest for the freezer. This recipes should serve a 40# dog for about a week. Luna gets 1/2 cup of dry food and a 1/2 cup of homemade food, twice a day.
There are several ways to prepare food for your dogs and we've done them all ... stovetop, crockpot, InstantPot, and oven. Our favorite way is our InstantPot.
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AuthorI'm old. I'm experienced. I'm healthy. What else do you need to know? Archives
February 2025