While this video is riddled with offensive language, it brings up a point worth repeating. So often people are offended by lyrics from one song or another, but they miss the value of history. In this video, a Christmas song is being questioned because of its unspoken reference to a romantic evening. This stand-up comedian compares the lyrics from "Baby, it's Cold Outside" from the 1940s after WWII and was written by a married couple vs ... well, click if you dare. If you are offended by ridiculously vulgar lyrics, move on... seriously, do not click the video. By the way, the vulgar song was #1 across the nation and on Tiktok ... yeah, the same one your children and grandchidren are watching cute puppies on.
Since I've retired I take great pleasure to awaken slowly listening, stretching, yawning, curling back up and stretching again. Today Mother Nature added something special ... rain! Oh, how I love to listen to the rain. I find it clears my mind and taking a deep breath and gentle blowing it all out as the rain taps my window centered me and I was ready to tackle the day. Don't get me wrong, I don't have a schedule or anything pressing, I have only those things to do I love ... laundry - don't you just love the smell of clean sheets? Cooking - a great day to crack open the kitchen window and crack open a new cookbook, too! Reading - listening to the rain while turning pages of a good book ... priceless!
I hope you found some pleasure on this rainy day. Have you even listened? I mean, really listened? Some days I feel overwhelmed by the noises around me. Some days I don't even notice. Today, I noticed.
Now I get it. A year ago June, my husband, Tom, retired. I was working part time and all was good. Then, I retired from my part time job. With the pandemic the days of the week already ran together but when I added retirement to that, I started to understand why Tom continued to tell me he thought it was a different day.
Now that we're in our seventies and both retired it is easy to wonder what day it is. I fill my days with swimming, yoga, and tennis and each activity has its own day and time so I was still somewhat on schedule. I like it that way. We manage to busy ourselves with our little routines, house projects, neighborhood walks, Netflix, and PrimeVideos, but I still have to look at my Fitbit to see what dang day it is. What day is it again? While I am not as addicted to football as Tom, I do love to watch my Alabama boys play! OK, so sometimes I fall asleep, especially when the game run past my bedtime. But, nonetheless, when it comes to Alabama football, I'm there.
When Alabama isn't playing I'm not watching. Tom, on the other hand, will watch just about anything from an *ahem* Auburn game to teams I have never heard of. It's not just one game either, it is one after another. Fortunately, he uses headphones so my peace and quiet remains just that. Do I mind? Not at all. In fact, it amuses me when out of the blue (remember, he's wearing headphones) I hear an outburst that reminds me he is still sitting in his chair being amused or annoyed by some play. Enjoy, sweetheart ... we have other televisions, tablets, laptops, and phones ... and books, too! This, too, will pass.
Why is cat litter scented? I mean, really, do people really want to smell floral scented cat deposits? Just scoop the deposit and move on. I can’t imagine the cat deposit stinking any longer than a humans once the source of the odor is removed.
Have a pacifer-using child? How about removing the gadget before snapping a picture? I can’t tell you the number of pacifier-pusses I see on Facebook. OK, I’m old and my children didn’t use pacifiers so I am biased but I would sure like to see a lovely toddler smile without a gadget. Say Cheese! I am one of those annoying people who drive the speed limit – well, most of the time. I drive in the right lane leaving the left lane open to pass. Yeah, it’s the law – slower traffic keep right. So, the next time you pass me, please refrain from flipping me the bird because I’m not speeding like you. And, thank you to the most recent speeder who showed me how karma works. Hope you have the cash to pay your ticket. I often hear people say "hindsight is 20/20" but I question that. If it were, why do we keep making the same mistakes over and over? Even my own hindsight doesn't always help me for decisions and I find myself doing the same stuff, just on a different day.
From wars to personal relationships ... who is really looking backwards to find an answer for going forward? I will say, however, that I have learned a few things along the way. I'm not sure if I would consider it hindsight or experience ... or is that the same thing? I'm older and "wyser" now ... I've learned to look at some things a different way. Is that hindsight? Beats me. I look at how we, as a people, treat other people and I know we have not learned squat. History is repeating itself. We have not learned. Nothing. Nada. Zip. I look at how we, as a people, have become unhealthier than our grandparents. I know my grandparents saved faithfully. I know they lived within their means. I know they didn't blame anyone for whatever problems they faced. Maybe I wasn't paying attention, but I don't think so. They cared about their friends, neighbors, family, and I don't recall race or religion really playing a big part in just BEING NICE. When did common courtesy become such a chore? When did we stop caring for one another? Have you looked at our medical profession lately? If we are "working" on a cure for cancer why aren't we closer? Is it because there is more money in being sick? I don't get sick often but I'm not a idiot. If I need to see my doctor, I will, but it's usually to have a confirmation about what I think. My doctors - a hand-picked group - know I will seek alternative care over a prescription 99% of the time. They respect that and if they don't, I keep shopping. I prefer to address any problem with meditation, essential oils, rest, proper diet, and exercise. Will I take medication? Of course, if it's warranted. I know what I think. What do you think? Do you always follow your doctor's advice? Do you know about better ways to tend to your own well-being? It's not easy. The right things rarely are. Of late, I have been researching food ... oh, I know processed food is crap. Fast food is crap ... I expect it to be. But when 'normal' food is crap, I have a problem. One should no longer dismiss food as a cause of their problem. We, as a people, should not accept substandard 'food' without question. Headaches, digestive problems, ADD, ADHD, anxiety, allergies, autism, and a host of other 'normal' sicknesses. People!! This is NOT normal!! We should feel great EVERY DAY! I have seasonal allergies ... my nose runs, my eyes and ears itch, I have a cough that just won't quit and often I have a headache. The madness MUST stop and only we can do it. I found a YouTube video that explains it rather well. The woman of five, also a biochemist, has a daughter with autism. Her findings are astonishing! And, yes ... it's all about the food we are not only eating, but feeding to our children. Watch the video and make up your own mind ... I've made up mine. Years ago I made my final New Year's resolution ... I resolved to never make another one and I have succeeded. I saw no reason to set myself up to fail by March.
And yet, I continue to see people set themselves up to fail even after years of making the same resolution. I know a woman who has lost the same 15 pounds every year. And another who is on her seventh attempt to quit smoking. I prefer to make a daily intention. Do I always succeed? No, but at least I don't have to wait a year to try again. |
Who Am I?
I am what I am ... nothing more, nothing less. It's not that I know more than anyone else ... it's just that I've lived longer than a good many and have experienced life. I am a people watcher, a listener. I don't judge ... we all have a journey ... thank you for allowing me to share my journey with you. Archives
June 2023